TTRPG Contoller
This page contains all of the major functionality in the controller I developed for COMP140
This controller allows the player to place pieces on it as if they were playing a board game. The controller used magnetic reed switches, potentiometers and buttons to allow the player to physically place pieces on it as if they were playing a board game, and have these moves be detected and translated to a digital game.


The reed switches on top of the board are able to detect when a magnet hovers over it, which will then tell the digital half of the game that a piece has been moved to that space.
The potentiometers are used to select spells for each character.
The buttons have 3 used. Pressing them individually selects the characters, which is used at the start of the game to determine which magnet belongs to which character. Once this is set, the buttons no longer need to be pressed as the player can pick up a piece and the controller can detect which piece it is. The buttons are also used to end the player's turn and reset the game.