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This page contains all of the major functionality in the open world navigation system I implemented in Corruption of Arcana

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The open world map has been implemented as a series of interconnected nodes between major levels. The player will need to click on these nodes in order to travel to various locations.


Each node has a unique list of events that it can choose from, which allows us to determine which events can spawn where. This allows for some paths to be more risky, as they draw upon stronger enemies, while other paths may be longer, but might have a lower chance of encountering a dangerous threat. It is up to the player to determine the risks they want to take.


We are planning on using this system for other challenges, such as a challenge tower where the player can climb the floors to reach the top.



Using the Unity Scriptable Objects system, I created a framework that can store all event data, which includes information on enemies and rewards.


Since this has been implemented as a Scriptable Object, developers that have no programming experience are able to easily design new events by simply setting the pool of enemies that can be drawn from to generate random encounters.


But not all events involve a handful of enemies ambushing the player. Some of these events allow the player to speak with wandering traders, find hidden treasures and take on quests that only have a chance to appear while travelling.

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Some nodes have events that reveal other paths, enabling the player to experience chains of quests outside the main storyline or allowing them to discover shortcuts to previous regions.

©2022 by Andrew Scott. Proudly created with

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